
The CTC online platform makes the process of identifying African clinical trials sites effortless by providing easy access to African clinical trialists, site feasibility data and regulatory and ethics information all on one platform.

Problem Statement

How did became a solution?

Africa accounts for approximately 18% of the global population and bears nearly 25% of the world’s disease burden. Despite this, the continent receives only 3–4% of global clinical research funding. This disparity limits Africa’s ability to contribute to and benefit from high-quality clinical research, slowing the development of locally relevant treatments and innovations.

The Clinical Trial Community (CTC) Platform was created to address this gap by showcasing Africa’s extensive research capabilities, improving access to information on clinical trial sites, regulatory pathways, and investigator expertise. By providing a centralised, transparent, and data-driven resource, the CTC platform aims to attract greater research investment, foster collaborations, and ultimately enhance Africa’s role in the global clinical research landscape.


Profile overview and account management

Effortless sign up on the go.

Users can use the CTC platform on their mobile phones to register new accounts, search entities via the interactive map, browse platform analytics, and access our support content.

Effortless sign up


Help us keep the platform up to date


Suggest updates to entity owners

Suggest updates to entity owners


Request Capability Reports

Request Capability Reports and updated centre information


Sign up to stay up to date

Sign up to stay up to date

Search for entities and trials with ease

Search using our entity filters on map


Search using our entity filters on map or list view

Entity Search

View entity profile pages

View entity profile pages view entity

Support made easy

Watch our self help videos

Watch our self help videos

The Support Assistant provides easy access to support videos, articles, and our knowledge base, anywhere on the platform.


Our dedicated analytics page

Our analytics

Our analytics

Our analytics page provides insights into clinical trials, including the top centres and trials, disease conditions, research distribution by country, and other developments over time.


Study phase per year



View data on study types per year and study phases per year


Our funding partners & data

Our funding data

Our funding data

Users can toggle to view Disease Prevalence or “R&D Funding Received” data on the map, with the option to request more data from Impact Global Health.


R&D funding received per country

R&D funding received per country

R&D funding reported to the G-FINDER survey


R&D funding received by African institutions, by funder

R&D funding received by African institutions, by funder

R&D funding reported to the G-FINDER survey


Key CTC Features

Clinical Trial Management Real-time Analytics Funding data Entity search Connections Networks Resources Community roadmap Showcase pages News Feature requests Search trials Support Interactive map Mobile friendly

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Bringing research to Africa

Improving the clinical trail space, one feature at a time

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